Secure Messaging, as it's name implies, allows the secure transmission of documents to Providers and Health Care Services based on current and future Australian encryption standards.
It also allows the consumption of secure messages.
Messages are addressed using a federated provider directory service based on several search criteria.
For sending to a Medical Practitioner you can search by:
Doctor Name
Discipline, or
Identifier (eg Provider Number).
For sending to an Organisation you can search by:
Health Care Service
Organisation Name
Service type
Location, and
Identifier (eg HPI-O)
There is interoperability and message exchange with different secure messaging enabled software products using standardised messages.
The Secure Massage Status Board gives you access to the sure message you have sent and which ones you rejected. It also shows the 'Acknowledgement Status' of all sent messages, offering a single click resend if warranted, e.g. the recipient or the Network had technical issues.
It also allows easy resending of letters, referrals and the like when they were rejected by the Recipient due to missing information such as Patient Date of Birth.
The Practice Version 2.94 is expected to release in December 2020.